Clapton Ensemble in collaboration with reConvert Project. Tuesday 10th of June at 7:30pm

A concert featuring some of the best European avant garde music, well known at Continental festivals, but which still remains to be discovered in the UK.

clapTON ensemble is dedicated to performing exciting international new repertoire that for some reason has rarely or never been played in the UK.


For this concert at Hundred Years Gallery clapTON has teamed up with Basel-based percussion duo reConvert Project to bring, among other treats, the UK premiere of Pierluigi Billone‘s Mani.Gonxha and an opportunity to discover new music by two composers of Argentinian origin – Luciano Azzigotti and Santiago Díez Fischer.

The programme is complemented by works of Rebecca Saunders, Tristan Perich and Anna Romashkova.



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