Following in the tradition of the Magical Realism of Gabriel García Márquez, the works in this show date from the early 1990s to 2011, just prior to the founding of Hundred Years Gallery where Montse Gallego has been Director for the past six
Montse’s fascination with García Márquez started when she was just 14 and read ‘Ojos de Perro Azul’, a very short story happening within a dream dreamt by two strangers who are looking for each other. These types of worlds were in Montse’s experiences since she was a child, and have been developed throughout her career as an artist in many different forms, always inspired by the familiar tradition of recounting dreams during breakfast. Now, at the point of leaving the direction of the gallery for a sabbatical period, she wanted to bring back this homage to García Márquez whose ‘magic spirit’ inspired the name of the gallery and still hovers around the gallery space.