Doors 19:30 | music 20:00 \ entry £6
Jin Sangtae
Born in 1975, Seoul Korea, Jin Sangtae he’s been performing music with non-musical objects collected through his experience, projected into instruments, and then re-organising them to specific spaces. He’s been playing with hard drives and several materials that can be connected as a main instruments, and he also plays laptops, radios, car horns and electronics. he’s been posting his composition ‘Year‘ with mobile everyday since 2015 on the web. As an organiser, he has founded a small space for improvised music called ‘dotolim‘, and has been organising ‘dotolim concert series’ since 2008, as well as a festival under the name ‘dotolimpic‘ in 2012, 2013 and 2017.
Born in 1975, Seoul Korea, Jin Sangtae he’s been performing music with non-musical objects collected through his experience, projected into instruments, and then re-organising them to specific spaces. He’s been playing with hard drives and several materials that can be connected as a main instruments, and he also plays laptops, radios, car horns and electronics. he’s been posting his composition ‘Year‘ with mobile everyday since 2015 on the web. As an organiser, he has founded a small space for improvised music called ‘dotolim‘, and has been organising ‘dotolim concert series’ since 2008, as well as a festival under the name ‘dotolimpic‘ in 2012, 2013 and 2017.
Kostis Kilymis
Bristol-based artist focusing on feedback systems, rhythm, noise and immersive environments. Working with electric and electronic means, capturing and manipulating sound, image, electroacoustic phenomena, audio recordings and electronically generated sound. He has been an improviser, performer and collaborator – his encounters including Lucio Capece, Nikos Veliotis, Leif Elggren, Sarah Hughes, Stephen Cornford and Phil Julian amongst others. He curates the Organized Music from Thessaloniki label.
Phil Julian & John Macedo
Phil Julian is a UK based composer and improviser active since the late 1990’s. He has a prolific output encompassing sonic textures that run the gamut from harsh squalls of noise to compositions using hyper-minimalistic timbres and drones. John Macedo is a sound artist from London. He has a pluralistic approach which reveals the ephemeral and hidden potential in all sounds, environments and technologies, often in intimate, immersive and intuitive ways.The pair have been working together since early 2012 using modular synthesizers, electronics and computers and released their first duo CD ‘Bind’ in 2016 on Hideous Replica.