Music : unspecified unspecified unspecified : Louise Le Du / Ash Reid / Michael Speers. Thursday 28th April 19:30

Louise Le Du
Musician captivated by chaotic, untamable sound patterns. I pay particular attention to sonic environments which are not easily accessed by humans – especially at the microscopic scale – using technology as a tool to feed the imagination with natural phenomena.

Ash Reid
Ash Reid currently tends a bar and a PhD. ‘You know every time you go to a gig and you see some ugly boy do something and you come out with your mind blown thinking you’ve never seen anything like that before. Just a heads up, ASH REID DID IT FIRST. Abandoning tapes and feedback loops for text messages and text to speech, ash did it first. Giving up the noise scene , ash did it first. Mic’n up laptop speakers, yeah she did that first too. Making other people do your sets is it ? Don’t worry ash did that like ten years ago but probably some VL with no hair and shite trousers takes all the credit. ASH REID IS BETTER THAN YOU. And yes this is a competition.’ (Jackson Burton)

Michael Speers
(b.1992) a musician from Portaferry (NI) currently based in London (UK).
Working with natural & synthetic sound material—using drums, computer, microphones, feedback—towards performance, installation and composition.
Currently focused on the actual and notional representation of the ground drum.

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