TREAD INTO MULCH, in conjunction with legendary tape label SENSORY LEAKAGE, will present exploratory musics fit for Ganzfeld states this coming OCTOBER 18th
TICKETS: eventbrite
GOMM: the artistic persona of Dan Allison but also a concept of collaboration and distortion via synthesis and sound experimentation. His tape for SL last year was a bit more ambient (an “exploration of range and placement, space and air”) but still ace.
THOMAS STONE: London-based electroacoustic composer and musician who reconciles disparate influences such as his tinnitus, physical endurance, false memories, the physical effect of sound, séance, bass music and 20th-century composition.
HAYDEN DOUET LUKIES: Lisbon-based percussionist, who works with highly resonant objects made of glass or metal. He is currently performing with two large antique brass vessels, creating improvised, hypnotic music that channels a lifetime of rhythmic obsessions.
CLEAVER BOI & THE HUNGRY GHOST: Sound art performance trio exploring themes of belonging, displacement and womxnhood with processed vocals, junk electro-acoustic instruments, field and archival recordings, & children’s tales of dubious morality.