Music : TREAD INTO MULCH: Music For Broken Violins, Mosquito Farm, Distant Animals. Tuesday 25th June 19:30

MUSIC FOR BROKEN VIOLINS is the project of Serbian born, New York City based violinist Marija Kovacevic. Kovacevic has developed an idiosyncratic vocabulary for her damaged instruments: dragging strings, playing cracks, bowing broken bodies, wrapping loose hair, and creaking pegs. In performance, there is a minimalist, ritualistic structure to her unembellished studies.

MOSQUITO FARM is a musical collaboration between Maddie Banwell and Grace Black. Active since 2022, Mosquito Farm makes music and object theatre with hand-built mechanical, analogue and acoustic instruments.

DISTANT ANIMALS is Daniel Alexander Hignell-Tully, a sound-artist working with themes of participation and communality. His work encompasses drone, field-recording, contemporary classical, improvisation, synthesis, text, and video. He runs the Difficult Art and Music label.

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