Performance : Failure (iii) – Luisa Amorim. Friday 20th October 19:30

Doors 7.30 | performance 8pm | entry  £5 cash

Luisa Amorim is a Portuguese performance maker based in London.
She is interested in experimenting how to dramatize the quotidian, bringing her every-day life and her own dirty linen onstage. She likes to play with daily life playing in real time with the audience, stretching the role of the spectator and turning them into active participants of the show.
Sometimes she also explores how to play with dilation of time giving to the spectator a more contemplative role, who are taken on a sensorial trip by the performer on stage.

Amorim explores themes as gender identity, feminine aesthetics, womanhood, motherhood, ageing, and gender inequality within a domestic environment.

Her work combines theatre, performance art, installation, dance and poetry.

Amorim studied Drama at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon, and in 2016 graduated from her MA in Performance Making from Goldsmiths University of London. She is been performing her shows between London, Lisbon and Porto.

Failure (iii)
Amorim’s most recent solo-show is a discussion, over a glass of port-wine, between her-self and all the others selves she keeps inside of her.

Drawing upon her own story, in a game between reality and representation, in and outside the stage, being herself spectator and brings the spectator to be performer, Amorim explores the place when the individual reaches the collective experiences.

Photo of Luisa Amorim ©Eunice Lapeiro

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