Reyner Tish presents… RouxLaw, Manuela Barczewski, Douglas Benford & Su Au. Saturday 18th June 7:30pm

june 18th eventReyner Tish presents a night featuring improvisation and collaborations previously performed at home in an old council flat next to Regents Canal. Initially planned as a performance space for music without audience, it emerged into a place where accidental and unexpected pieces form for a moment to be unravelled and reformed in the next. Now these experiments will be transformed again with the presence of an audience.

This night will be a special collective of voice and improvisational music by RouxLaw, Manuela Barczewski, Douglas Benford, Su Au & guest.

“Roux Law (sans Hug) bring a mess of language, a blue box that purrs, and a pseudo stream of orchids. We like latin and we make noise.”

Douglas Benford
“Douglas surprises himself by chosing a random musical instrument – perhaps harmonium or glockenspiel or melodeon, with an element of emotional chaos.”

Manuela Barczewski, Su Au & guest
“A performance of polyphonic textures folding with voice and strings.’

Door 7:30 | performance 8pm | entry £5

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