Join Saul Eisenberg / Junk Orchestra and Giles Leaman for an afternoon of musical fun created from London’s finest found sounds and re worked junk. Special guests and fellow junkyard mischiefs will join them. The programme will experiment with live performance, installation, instrument building, fine art and audience interaction,
Saul Eisenberg is a multi-percussionist, junkyard mischief and instrument builder, former stomper and Bluesman. The junk orchestra was created to share his enthusiasm using fabricated recycled objects to create melody and rhythm.
Giles Leaman has plied his craft as musician, instrument builder and fine artist for 30+ years, being one of the founders in the iconic group ‘echo city’ where mojo was sonic sport and play Having built over 200 variety of instruments. His home is an Aladdin’s cave of recycled sonic delight and his continuous pursuit of sonic fun and aesthetic has gained a following in his ever-evolving creations.
3.30-6.30pm / all ages 0–100+
Entry £5 or donations
Extras: Unique hand built instruments on sale, plus Charity raffle to win a unique instrument.