Women of The Wasteland / The Sybilla. Saturday 18th March 7:00pm

Women of The Wasteland

Performances by Jill Rock, Robert Robertson, Grassy Noel & APE, Ivor Kallin, Luisa Tucciariello & Michele Paccagnella, Rachelle Allen-Sherwood, Johnny Cole, Giles Leaman, Mai Nguyen Tri and Fear Of Fluffing.

Women of |The Wasteland is a Night of Celebration of The Multiple Migrants, Misfits, and Mythological Characters that have chosen to live by The Ancient Flowing Thamesis and help create the Rich Tapestry of Peoples, Stories, Poems and Songs of The Mega Metropolis Londinum.

Grassy Noel and APE Perform “Alicia in The Wasteland”; a Journey through Alicia’s “Fractured Past… Alicia Awakens Beneath The Shard, Monday Morning, Alicia Awakens Almost Dead……

Mai Nguyen Tri, the exceptional Butoh dancer, performs with electronic meanderings from the colourful and exciting Fear Of Fluffing

Jill Rock & Nicky Heinen : ‘Sybilla’ – voice performance with flute
Robert Robertson : film presentation

Luisa Tucciariello & Michele Paccagnella : voice/flute and guitar improvisation

Johnny Cole : solo harmonica
Giles Leaman : invented instruments
Ivor Kallin : viola and Scottish brogue

Doors 7:00 | performances from 7:30pm | entry free (donations)

“The Sibyl, with frenzied mouth uttering things not to be laughed at, unadorned and unperfumed, yet reaches to a thousand years with her voice by aid of the god”. (Heraclitus).

“The plot thickens; Vivienne collaborated with him on the Wasteland which was in any case heavily edited by Ezra Pound. The epigram to the Wasteland is by the Sibylla of Cuma where I visited some years ago and have a collection of oak leaves from the entrance to her cave.

“Vivienne was a writer in her own rite and took on the personage of Sibylla in her short stories. Vivenne was badly treated by Elliot, although like many abused people was unrealistically attached to him. Sibylla, The Wasteland and Virgil’s words on Aeneas’ journey to see her as she sat at the entrance to the Underworld”.
(Jill Rock)


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