Luisa Spina. ‘Small Gatherings for Big Thoughts’. Cooking as participatory process.
‘Small Gathering for Big Thoughts’ is an invitation to cook together without recipe as an opportunity to explore how we can come together with our differences and co-create new possibilities working from what we have. It is open to a small group people who can meet a stranger and cook without a recipe.
Throughout the process inputs are given to participants to make connections between themselves and the ingredients brought to the table bringing intimate encounters to the bigger context of a globalised world in which the contradictions are made visible. Small Gatherings for Big Thoughts opens up a space to reflect on how the tendency to want to preserve our cultures can contribute or not to forms of separation.
The very process of cooking together without recipe wants to bring each participant to experience how by sharing responsibilities we can build new possibilities without looking at ideals based on preconceptions. In this arena, where personal and intimate moments are shared, encounters are brought together to reveal their interconnectedness to the world as well as their economical interdependency.
Our choices as consumers are also brought to the table transporting us right in the heart of a contradictory capitalistic system in which foods move more speedily and freely then human beings.
Luisa Spina (b. Italy 1980) is a London based mix-media artist and social sculptor. She completed a degree in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design and a Masters Degree in Social Sculpture at Oxford Brookes University.
Her work focuses on the space we inhabit. Entering situations and places and encountering people, she questions her relationship to the ‘other’ and searches to find ways to overcome different forms of separation. Developing trans-disciplinary, ecologically focused and socially engaged work she has been exploring strategies of engagement, and the relationship between imagination and transformation.