Encuentro En el Puente (Encounter On the Bridge) live link with Casa del Puente, Argentina. Thursday 5th March at 3pm

 Prensa MGP - Casa del Puente - Otoño2_grandeEncounter On The Bridge is an exhibition looking at the way two artists bridge the gap between the outer form and autobiographical elements in their work, in the context of International Women Day celebrations.

“How shall I most freely cross a bridge between inside and outside” ~ Paul Klee

The art show Encuentro en el Puente / Encounter on the Bridge will take place in Casa del Puente, Mar del Plata, Argentina, from march 1st, 2015 with the works of the artists Jill Rock (England) and Lili Vitali (Argentina). This name also relates to the meeting of the two women artists, and other women also, in the finding of objects that compose an exhibition that invites to integrate a creative interpretation of the assisting public.

Jill Rock, presented the art show IMAGINE in 4ta Edición de la Bienal Internacional del Fin del Mundo, Villa Mitre, Mar del Plata, a collection of objets found in Mar del Plata shore and inspired in honour to Alfonsina Storni´s poetry. This work is the basis for the Casa del Puente exhibition. She proposes to visualize her production as a part of a journey to be able to experience a way of discovery.

Lili Vitali makes glass sculptures which catch and reflect the light in unexpected ways. Born in Mar del Plata,with a national and international trajectory, her contemporary way of looking a very frágile material such as glass surprises because of the creativity of the expressivity of the universes found. The pieces exposed belong to the series EVERYTHING IS INHABITED (TODO ESTA HABITADO) in wich she makes a call to a sensible and diverse natural world.

Jill Rock works with objects she finds, exploring her relationship’s within the objective world. The idea would be to present Lili’s glass pieces looking outwards from the windows of Casa Del Puente whilst Jill’s pieces are within the house as objects to be found, so that the idea of looking outward and looking inward is created within the building.

A live conference via video link will be held between women artists in Mar del Plata through Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and in London through Hundred Years Gallery celebrating International Women’s Day MAKING IT HAPPEN, . The artists will share autobiographical aspects of their work, how they bridge the inner and outer impulses and the outcomes of the fusion. After the conference, an interchange of experiencies will be open to other activities – women as professionals, scientists and cultural agents.

This took place on March 5th, 3:00 pm, in Hundred Years Gallery, London, and in Aula Magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Funes 3250 de Mar del Plata.

Imagine high-Jill Rock     DSC_0018     DSC_0007

Artists participating in the live link conference from Hundred Years Gallery:

Marisa RuedaMarisaymamáenMardelPlata lives and works in London. She has an active professional life as a mixed media and installation artist. Marisa for years has been speaking in her work about the political situation in her home country, Argentina especially during the time of the dictators. She has been part of the women’s movement in the art in England during the 80’. “Textural Narratives” are a series of sculptures and photographic works. “Our project” sculpture/installation/ photos born this year in India in a collaboration with Cristina Chaplin-Rueda. Marisa latest exhibitions have been in Buenos Aires, “Textural Narratives”, the installation “Liquid City I” and “Existance” video installation with public participation. The three of them have been shown at the Arte x Arte Foundation. Last year Marisa was part of a group exhibition called “Arrugas” in Buenos Aires at the Museo de la Mujer


Alejandra Perez Nunez (Chile, 1972) aka elpueblodechina.org is a noise artist and media designer, currently Mphil Phd candidate at University of Westminster in London, UK where her research is focused on the detection of imperceptible influences in space using FOSS tools for artistic and cultural creation. Much of her work focusses on artistic research, writing, noise performance, education, interface design, and polar studies.

Listen Alejandra’s sound piece ‘4us30p0143’

Montse Gallego has been directing Hundred Years Gallery since 2011. Previously she worked as a curator, artist and printmaker in Spain, Germany and London, where she moved in 2001. For this encounter Montse will present the sound piece ‘Packing Packington &  The Millenium Bridge’ from her series ‘Las Naves de Antofagasta’, a sonic diary of her personal reflections on daily endeavours. You can listen to it here:

Juan Delgado is a multidisciplinary artist who is participating in La Bienal del Fin del Mundo with his works  El Bosque Sonoro presented in Mar del Plata and Terminal Sur presented in Valparaiso after being part of the London Festival This is Not a Gateway 2014

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UK: Hundred Years Gallery, London E2 8JD

Casa del Puente, Secretaría de Cultura, MGP
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, UNMDP
AACASA, Asociación Amigos de Casa sobre el Arroyo

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On the News: http://www.elretratodehoy.com.ar/ver_nota.asp?cod=35603



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