An evening of performance art with Iris Colomb, Luisa Amorim, Mengting Zhuo and Teddy May de Kock
Doors open at 7.30pm | event starts at 8pm | £5 at the door – cash only
Iris Colomb is a poet, artist, curator, editor and translator based in London. Her performances involve artist books, collaboration, experimental translation, metal tubes, red bins, shouting over hairdryers, spitting in books, and turning audiences into poetry machines. Her pamphlet “I’m Shocked” came out with Bad Betty Press in 2018, and her chapbook “just promise you won’t write” was published by Gang Press in 2019. Her poems have also appeared in Zarf, Tentacular, Erotoplasty and Datableed. She is the Co-Editor of HVTN Press and a founding member of the multidisciplinary collective ‘No Such Thing’
Luisa Amorim is a performance maker based in London.
She spent a long time experimenting on dramatizing the real and participatory work. Recently, keeping researching on how to bring the real onstage, Amorim found herself more inclined for poetry, music and abstraction.
Mengting Zhuo is a London-based performance maker. Her work is often participatory and focuses on sensory experience, aiming at creating an experience beyond words and finding power in quietness. She is interested in chance and contingency.
Teddy May de Kock is a Dutch performance maker based in London. She experiments with the many forms of performance and explores what is possible in front of an audience, looking to find new exciting grounds between fine art, theatre and the art of entertainment.