Exhibition: Dancing for the Spring Goddess by Jo Roberts : ground floor

Private view: Wednesday 20th of March from 6.30 to 9.30

A Rude Mechanicals concert will be part of this show on Wednesday 27th from 7pm. 

When I was younger, I thought about the meaning of art a lot. I looked for the appropriate words to describe what I was doing and searched for the meaning of art with words.

Then, in 2000, I had a stroke and thought I was going to die. Gradually, I started to realise that I don’t need words to describe my paintings, and I don’t need terribly intellectual concepts to support my work. I enjoy looking at nature, being in nature, and drawing from nature. I love painting pictures based upon the natural world and celebrating it. It makes me feel more connected to this world.

I don’t need to struggle with words to validate this enjoyment, and I can see nature all around me, even around my small flat in north London. So many colours, details, textures; I’m reminded of William Blake’s poem about seeing infinity in a grain of sand. I hope that this small expression of my joy can make others smile and feel happier about the world around them.


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