Exposed No.3: A curated show, ‘Glow’ by Cardiff based artist Darren Floyd – part of the residency.
Floyd works exclusively with oil on paper as he enjoys the viscosity it gives the work. The subject matter for the ‘Glow’ paintings comes from the observation of fleeting moments, the transient dynamics of live music in performance.
Two abstract portraits are continually refined, each time retaining at least one identifiable feature, the curve of a neck or the gasp of the mouth. The eye finds a pattern in the paintings, the emerging continuity of the work as a whole.
On Friday 20th of February at 2pm Darren Floyd will host a meditation session in the gallery:
“I’ve been part of the Triratna Buddhist tradition and meditating for the last sixteen years. For the last two years I’ve been teaching a meditation class in Cardiff. My meditation practice feeds into my painting practice by using mindfulness and stillness to capture impermanent moments.
“The class I will be teaching in the gallery will be The Mindfulness of Breathing. The meditation is in four stages where we bring our focus to the breath, still the mind and deal with distractions.”
All are welcome, please bring a mat and some cushions. We will be sitting for around 45 minutes. Darren will be happy to chat about his paintings and the meditation after the session.