“Expression” by Laurent Vernet
‘Expression’ represents the concept of movement and the mixture of the senses, oriented through various phases. The work depicts elements coming together, as simple as a smile, or the trace of bodies moving through space. It follows the trace of emotion in various conceptual projects of paint and installation (comissioned projects for Shunt, Decom, Salon du Thé, Oxjam, and more)
Performances at the gallery’s ground floor:
Kay Elizabeth – voice & guitar accompanied by Renu Hossain on percussion. Ethereal and autumnal storytelling within acoustic composition, a work created out of poetry and prose – www.kayelizabeth.net
Antonio Alfaro Sanchez & Jack Rhys Merrick. Acoustic Performance “The yetzer hara box”- poems for an exhibition.
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‘Now that the living outnumber the dead’ by Jim Sanders
According to the United Nations Population Fund, on the 31st of October 2011 it was estimated that the world population exceeded 7 billion people. It has also been debated that there are now more people alive on the earth than have ever lived.
On hearing that ‘Now the living outnumber the dead’ Jim Sanders’s work has been primarily concerned with issues of over-population. This exhibition, an installation of paintings and drawings created over the past year, deals with the fear that the population is expanding too fast and that over-crowding is the source of all our troubles, both enviromentally,socially and spiritually.
On the evening of Thursday 1st November the work will be coming alive in the form of two intigrated performances at the gallery’s basement:
8.30pm Magnagatti (Cat-eaters)
Magnagatti perform dark musical vignettes on the subjects of life and death to compliment the themes of the exhibition.
Emerging from the installation and surrounded by their prey, it’s a collaborative project between artist Jim Sanders and musician/singer Tim Harbidge.
9.15pm Laboratoro
Laboratoro brings together the talents of the musician and artist Ed Briggs and the Galician writer performer Xelís de Toro. They create electric, experimental, performances using the raw materials of words, sound and movement.
Private View of both exhibitions on Thursday 1st November from 7pm