For Whom The Trumpeste Blows
“By The Pricking Of My Thumb,
Something Wicked This Way Comes”
The mesmerising, hypnotising Butoh dancer extraordinaire, Mai Nguyen, joins the Contorted Vocalizations of Grassy Noel & The Incredible Musical Improvisations of APE in this special Performance at one of London’s most Interactive Galleries – Hundred Years Gallery.
This Surreal Performance enters into the world of The Unknown conjuring up The Spirits of Alicia and Ophelia, Yorick, Papa Ubu and The Fool. The Trumpeste will be welcomed with open arms by The Witches and Lady Mayhem Macbeth who have a massive cauldron bubbling away on a Bone-Fire on The Heath.
On stage there might well be members of the much loved Fear Of Fluffing.
In a World where Fear, Austerity, and Deportations are Imposed on The Masses; The Narcissistic Megalomaniacs Reign and Madness Pervades, Ask Not For Whom The TrumPeste Blows……
Grassy Noel – Vocalisations & Projections
Big Mike Walter – Saxophone
Paul Shearsmith – Trumpet, Bells, Pipes etc.
Keisukei Matsui – Guitar and a Myriad of Amplified Found Objects
Mark Rathmell – Symphonic Sounds on I-Pad
Photography – Junko Rathmell
Door 7:30 | performance 8pm | entry by donation (£5 suggested)