Mellifera Arts Platform XI. Wednesday 25th August 19:00

Mellifera is an informal interdisciplinary arts performance platform, open to artists and arts enthusiasts of all disciplines and levels. Participants can bring work up to a maximum of 15 minutes at any stage of development, from conception to finished product for an enthusiastic and engaged audience.

Curated by Emily Shapiro (clarinet, composer) with this month’s guest artists

Our goals are inspiration, collaboration, experimentation and community-building. Please do contact us if you have any particular requirements around either performance or attending- we will accommodate you if humanly possible.

Performers can sign up on the night but a spot cannot be guaranteed.

Signing up in advance, either by email or by messenger, is strongly recommended.
Mellifera on facebook

Tickets are £5 on the door

Next Mellifera :
Wednesday 15th September

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