Music : Land of Nope and Gory… Michael Ridge, Banjo Gazers, SILKess Demon. Sunday 24th March 15:30

An afternoon of sonic curios. The state of the nation mediated through radical vibrations, deconstructed tape epiphany and off-kilter versification. Snapshots from parallel timelines…

Curated by Mouth_in_Foot and DiscountGnostic

Michael Ridge
My work incorporates elements of sound, video, sculpture, installation, performance, and collage. I draw inspiration from a variety sources and objects including cassette tapes, phonographic records, field recordings, noise, and utilising non-musical materials/objects in sound production. My approach is playful, experimental, and collaborative – taking an approach akin to the methodology employed by Fluxus and Dada artists.

I also build experimental sound boxes/instruments and upcycled microphones for UK and international musicians, artists, and performers.

Since 2009 I’ve provided a variety of workshops/drop-in sessions (with an emphasis on sound), audio guides and sound-based elements in exhibition spaces for museums.

Other projects I’m involved with include running DIY record label Quagga Curious Sounds and recording experimental music (noise, drone, ambient and lo-fi) under my own name and several other aliases. I also form one half of the drawing/zine/mail art duo Ridge & Scrase; and from 2008 – 2015 was a member of the Norwich-based artist collective other/other/other.

SILKess Demon
SILKess Demon are Dominique Golden and Nik Clifford. For years they were called Jesus Licks and have performed at the Greenman Festival, Late at the Tate and for Tom Robinson’s show on 6 Music. Following a break, they returned as SILKess Demon and have played more recently at the Walthamstow Garden Party, the Wild Card Brewery, Blackhorse Road Workshop, and Resonance Fm. They also run a small vinyl label called Pearl Home Records, where they hand cut the vinyl at home.

Andrew Rowe
Andy Rowe is a sound artist, producer and musician who lives and works in London. He has worked with sound in a professional and creative context since 1996 and gained a degree in Sonic Art from Middlesex University in 2009. He has displayed work in Coventry’s Herbert gallery, London’s Hundred Years, Raven Row, Chalton, Art and Escape, Horse Hospital, ToandFor, and Doomed galleries.

Andy Rowe’s sound, music and performance project is known as the Slate Pipe Banjo Draggers. He has performed live at festivals and events in England, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and Italy both alone and collaboratively.

The Slate Pipe Banjo Draggers solo live incarnation involves an always developing, constantly changing selection of Pearlcorder T2020 dual mini & micro cassette players, Walkmans, Dictaphones, mixers, and effect units. The sounds created during each performance are drawn from an ever-growing collection of found and prepared tapes. Lost answer phone messages, language and self-help tapes, corporate dictation notes, discarded personal recordings and music cassettes are mixed up with prepared loops, drones, field recordings, found sounds, pulses and effects. Video projection using found and self-shot Super8 film often accompanies the performance.

Andrew Ciccone
​Andrew Ciccone is a multimedia artist and trash collector from New York. Since migrating to London, Andrew has doubled down on his artistic output with deep ventures into live improvisation, paper collage, metalwork, abstract videos, and prose. He also runs the Navel-Gazers interview series with recording artists and the No Computers improv event series –

Music –
Navel-Gazers –

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