Music : Maggie Nicols’ 75th Birthday gathering benefit party for Hundred Years Gallery. Thursday 23rd February 19:00

 Please join us in celebrating Maggie Nicols‘ 75th birthday. There will be songs and group improvisations all evening ending with a ‘Gathering’ where members of the audience can join in and improvise/perform.

Suggested donations are £5 or £10. All money raised will go to help support the venue.

There will be a raffle and ‘party food’ can be purchased.

Musicians/performers/artists already confirmed:

Maggie Nicols
Fara Afifi
John Bisset
Khabat Abas
Ivor Kallin
Caroline Kraabel
Tom Jackson
Sue Ferrar
Steve Beresford
Julia Doyle
Daniel Thompson
Charlotte Keefe
Sam Andreae
Sue Lynch
Mark Wastell
Gina Southgate
Colin Webster
Tansy Spinks
Adrian Northover
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé
Alan Wilkinson
Isidora Edwards

More to be confirmed

Photo of Maggie Nicols by Clare Shilland


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