Music : Oishi vs. Dekunobo. Sunday 25th February 15:30

Ren Shang
: vocals, electronics, etc.
Zheng Hao: electronics, laptop, pedals, mixing board

Keisuke Matsui
: guitar, ‘cello, pedals, objects
Graham MacKeachan : double bass, plastics

Doors 3.30 | music 4pm | £5 / £10 (offer subject to status)

Oishi are the highly acclaimed hardware/ software electronic improvisation duo Ren Shang and Zheng Hao from China, using samples from their own materials, field recordings, lives, etc. Set up includes mixers, laptops, cassette players. Slightly different or very different every time.

Dekunobo are Japanese ‘cellist/guitarist Keisuke Matsui and UK double bassist Graham MacKeachan. I often wonder who does what, because there is a beautiful unanimity to multiply and activate the sound resources, sometimes crossed by discreet drones or rumbles of indecisive murmurs. The apotheosis of cool noise, kept under control, of the full scratching of an astonishing sound diversity, playful in which it manages to get agitated at times, only to change the mood … and what a musical understanding between each of the protagonists!!” J-M van Schouwburg

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