‘Handy presents…’ unplugged encounters with David Bainbridge & Laurence Tompkins. Thursday 24th of April at 6pm

Hundred Years Gallery is very pleased to host an unplugged encounter with David Bainbridge (banjo) and Laurence Tompkins (handheld electronics).

Handy compiles new work from Caroline Haines, Aaron Parker,Tom Rose, Joe Snape and Laurence Tompkins for David Bainbridge (banjo) and Laurence Tompkins (handheld electronics), presented in association with Sound and Music, in 12 extremely intimate performances spread across 4 British cities.

Each half hour performance will present Laurence Tompkins’ new piece ‘Mylar’, with a supporting piece from one of the four other burgeoning UK composers, who have written specifically in response to it.

Playing upon the associations of the banjo with wandering troubadours, both players’ kit is radically stripped down and comfortably portable, with all electronics played through small handheld speakers in contact with simple percussion, giving the sound an ‘unplugged’ presence.

With all performances housed within a battery-powered portable light installation by Dori Deng, the tour claims liminal spots en masse and hopes to provide a visceral and personal encounter for a substantial audience.

6-7pm at Hundred Years Gallery
Free entry

23rd April: Bournemouth (in association with ATTN Magazine)
24th April: London
25th April: Oxford
26th April: Manchester


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