poetryartexchange (Romania/UK). Sunday 28th May 3:30pm

‘What a show! Nine writers from two cultures, Romania and the UK, working their brand-new, poly-vocal invention. As one of the poets says, “It’s an attempt at establishing.” It establishes, and powerfully invigorates, so many aesthetics and colours, so many flavors and voices—cases, fonts, songs, diatribes, tracts, interiors and pluralities. This book is dynamic—as in drop-the-mike—as in dynamite’. – David Baker (Poetry Foundation)


Claire Booker, Margento, Anna Maria Mickiewicz, Iulia Militaru, John Riley, Andra Rotaru, Steve Rushton, Aleksandar Stoicovici, Stephen Watts

To download your free copy of poetryartexchange (Romania/UK), published by Contemporary Literature Press, the online publishing house of the University of Bucharest, go to http://editura.mttlc.ro/rushton-poetryartexchange-romania-uk.html .

Various events are planned to promote the book, including an exhibition at Centrala Gallery Birmingham and this performance at Hundred Years Gallery, where Margento, hot foot from Canada, will perform with London based poets Claire BookerJohn Riley and Stephen Watts and a small backing band including Steve Rushton on percussion and Sebastian Sterkowicz on bass clarinet.

‘The wild energy of this book, its’ ecstatic abandon of lyrical conversation, the silences in the midsts of poet’s dialogues, the intensity that arises from those silences…nine poets from two countries coming together to smash the barriers and reach out to each other. In our world so torn by various nationalisms, refugee crises, political darknesses, what respite—what a gift, really—to find humans who create a country all their own (all our own, now) out of words. If I had to pledge allegiance to any nation, it would be this one’.
– Ilya Kaminsky  (www.poets.org)

Doors 3:30 | performance 4pm | Free entry

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