Familiar and free interaction, carnivalistic misalliances and performances throughout the day from 2pm with The Yetzer Hara Box, Miss Roberts & Rude Mechanicals, Grassy Noel & APE, Charlie Tuesday Gates and more… plus interactive noise and visuals from VJ Yourself in the Electric Jungle.
Miss Roberts & The Rude Mechanicals: http://www.rudemechanicals.co.uk/
The mysterious and ethereal Miss Roberts along with her Rude Mechanicals is a whirlwind of strange songs, sounds and looks. Miss Roberts is the leader and her flamboyant persona has become the look of the band. “…the strangely disturbed world of the Rude Mechanicals …a great deal like nothing you ever heard before… “
Tom Robinson BBC 6 Radio.
Interactive Energy with VJ Yourself: http://www.vjyourself.com
Grassy Noel & APE: http://apeimprov.wordpress.com/
Take the APE train – The circus is back in town… “Grassy Noel is an anarchic poet who is a grandee of the spoken word scene. He combines to thrilling effect with APE, an improv quartet who play saxophone, trumpet, guitar, percussion, stand-up double bass and found objects… Extraordinary”. R.Purnell
The Yetzer Hara Box: psychedelic poetry and guitar from Antonio Alfaro Sanchez and Jack Merrick
Charlie Tuesday Gates: charlietuesdaygates.co.uk
The truly controversial Charlie Tuesday Gates will be showcasing excerpts from the new performance ‘Sing For Your Life’.