[according to Cleveland Watkiss, Ansuman Biswas, Kate Shortt, & Klaus Bru]
He won’t preach, all he will do is tell you what’s going on here, there, everywhere. Yes, the news will be broadcast live from social media or obscure websites over a wireless internet connection into the mouth of Cleveland Watkiss, who spells it out for you, for us, for all. Mr Watkiss is supported by his artistic counselors and technical staff: Klaus Bru, who never leaves the house without a heavy suitcase full of gear and horns to blow, Kate Shortt, who anchors and centers herself around the body and neck of her beautiful cello, and Ansuman Biswas, who shouts rhythmical comments from inside or outside the studio that the production team has set up for the day at Hundred Years Gallery in Hoxton.
Get the news! Now. Any time. Forever. From us.
Door 7:30 | performance 8pm | entry £10 / 8
Cleveland Watkiss: Newscaster
Kate Shortt: Anchored Woman with cello
Klaus Bru: Stuntman, Extra, Stand-in with saxophones
Ansuman Biswas: Roving Reporter with various drums and objects